Browne Amplifications SSHAC Chorus
The SSHAC, or "Sky Snake Hawk Attack Chorus" was born out of our desire for an analog bucket brigade chorus pedal that felt just out of reach. We set out to build upon all the things we loved from the classics by breathing new life into what we feel is the perfect chorus. This included making sure the SSHAC retained low end, has no volume drop, & giving you access to faster “rate” speeds.
With the ability to do everything from slow, lush, ballad inducing chorus, to Leslie-esque rotary tones, all the way to pure, warm & beautiful vibrato the SSHAC gives you access to anything you can dream up.
The SSHAC is 9V ONLY & the power draw is less than 75mA (around 50mA). It has soft switching with an adjustable start up state.
Dimensions are 4.8” x 2.64” x 1.6” (2.3” with knobs).